About Abstract: Abstract is a new broad-concept publication that offers subscribers a range of satisfying aesthetic experiences made available through electronic media. Abstract presents an array of arts from around the world from both emerging and established contemporary artists in all media.
What to Submit: Abstract will consider submissions of original work in fiction**, creative nonfiction essay or memoir, poetry, and short drama as well as submissions of prose, poetry, and drama as audio or video files. Abstract will consider all styles and genres of fine art, including all styles and genres of contemporary music. Abstract will consider modeling portfolios. Abstract will consider work previously published in small-circulation journals, websites, or blogs with credit to first publishers. Abstract will also consider queries for appropriate academic articles, craft essays, book reviews, art/gallery reviews, music reviews, arts collaborations, and interviews with artists, models, musicians, photographers, poets, videographers, writers, and others.
** As of January 2025, Abstract is not accepting new fiction submissions, due to the overwhelming number of submissions during the pandemic. We apologize for the inconvenience, and will advise when we open fiction submissions again.
How to Submit: Abstract will accept submissions primarily through an electronic Submissions Manager. Send submissions for the following categories: Poetry, all styles and genres; Fine Art Images; Prose submissions of 1000 words or less; Fine Art Photography Folios, Photographic Essays, Haiga; and Contemporary Music; or send an entry to any specific Contest (when applicable). Submissions must be in one of the following file formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf, .txt, .odf, .mp3, .mp4, .mov, and .flv.
Technical Difficulties: In the event of technical difficulties with submissions, Contact Abstract administrators.
Cover Letters: Submitters should include a short cover letter that references the submitter’s background, experience, artistic influences, and major publications and awards.
Submissions Formatting: All submissions (including captions for images) should be set in 12-point Garamond type and should be formatted with one-inch margins and sequentially numbered pages (page numbers to appear as footers). Fiction and nonfiction should be double-spaced. Poetry should be single-spaced. The submitter’s name, address, telephone number, and email address should appear at the top of the first page. Subsequent pages should use the author’s name and email address as a header. Submitters should include third-person biographical notes (up to 50 words) for publication in the “Artists Index”. Submissions must be in one of the following file formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf, .txt, .odf, .mp3, .mp4, .mov, and .flv.
Reading Periods: Submissions may be sent at any time, year-round.
Simultaneous Submissions: Abstract accepts simultaneous submissions. Submitters should immediately notify Abstract through the Activity feature of the submission system if work under consideration by Abstract is accepted elsewhere.
Rights and Permissions: Following publication, all rights revert to the artist. In the event new work(s) published by Abstract are reprinted, Abstract asks to be credited as the site wherein the work first appeared.
Response Times: Response times vary from twelve to eighteen months.
Submissions Fees: Abstract requires no submission fees at this time. Abstract is a magazine with the ambition of popularizing good literary and artistic work. Abstract desires to connect our audience members to our artists. Abstract is committed to publishing debut and emerging writers and artists as well as those already established.
Payments to submitters: Abstract is strongly committed to promoting our artists' works and maintains a varied, sustained, and powerful social media program to serve that end. At present, Abstract offers no payment to contributors.
Abstract will consider submissions of poetry in all forms, styles, and genres, including work previously published in small-circulation journals, websites, or blogs with credit to first publishers. Submissions may contain up to five poems with a total word count, including titles, of no more than 1000 words. The poems should be contained in a single file. The submission should give a strong sense of the poet’s voice and range. Haibun, tanka prose, and prose poetry should be submitted in this category.
FINE ART IMAGES: Abstract considers photographic images of works of contemporary fine art from artists working in all media. Photographs in a submission must be provided with a resolution of at least 300 dpi or greater and as a .tiff or .jpg that can be reproduced at 1,650 pixels wide. Submit images of at least three separate works of fine art to suggest the artist's style and range. Submit at least 6 but no more than 10 images. Photographer must be identified and credited.
SHORT STORY/CREATIVE NONFICTION/MEMOIR: Abstract will consider creative nonfiction and memoir, including work previously published in small-circulation journals, websites, or blogs with credit to first publishers. Submissions may contain several titles but should contain no more than a single file of up to 1,000 words, counting titles. Each title should begin a new page. Submissions must be in one of the following file formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf, .txt, .odf.
AUDIO/VIDEO option: Submissions must be in MP3 format and may be up to ten minutes long. Video submissions must be in mp4, .mov, or .flv. Performance artists may submit an audio or a video link.
HAIGA: Abstract considers submissions of haiga. Images in a submission must be contained in the single .doc, .rtf, .pdf, .docx, or .txt file which contains the poems.
MUSIC: Abstract considers submissions of music in all genres for a weekly feature and social media promotion. Submissions may be up to 10 minutes long. Selections should demonstrate the range and technical expertise of the artist or group. Audio must be submitted in one of the following formats: M4A, MP3, or AIFF or an audio link. Submit at least 3 and no more than 5 musical selections.